
Chapter3. 'So Close and Yet so Far'
 p94-95: DWには数々のマニュアル本が存在。例えば、

 orientalism or otherness/familisationという矛盾しそうにも思われる二つの概念が混在する「場」としての植民者の「家庭」。しかし、この二つは、彼等のservantsという一つの異なる者へとそのベクトルが向けられるとき、whitenessの威厳を保持するキータームとなる。対極にあるように見えても、根源は同じ。社会的距離に基づいた支配(他者性)/インドネシアを開発政策に植民地を組み込むための家族モデル(familisation)
 -Of the two attitudes, the rhetoric of the family might seem the more progressive; it had, however, its own faults. It masked many differences, especeially those of race, class, and gender, the axes along which inequalities of power are usually structured (see above). It reduced servants to the status of children, who had to behave well and do what they were told, i.e., to be 'clean, honest, compliant, and capable'. This rhetoric had its own hierarchy and might be used in a progressive as well as in a conservative sense.
It is the concealing and obscureing character of this rhetoric, which made (and still makes) it politically useless, or even dangerous, for 'surbaltern' groups who wante(ed) to delineate their political (op)position. This criticism of familial ideology is not new. It has been expressed again in recent years with regard to Asin countries, such as the modern Indonesian state, and the modern industrial organisations in Japan. In the case of modern Indonesia, we may coclude that- even if the Suharto political rhetori of the family did not have its roots in colonial 'familisation'- it was strongly reinforced by the language and ideology of Western colonialism.(p111)